Physiotherapy Services

Chronic Disease Management Plans (CDM)

Men's Health Physio in Port Stephens NSW

Medicare Approved Chronic Disease Management Plans (CDM)

Medicare rebate physiotherapy sessions are available through the Chronic Disease Management Medicare Benefits Schedule for patients who experience a chronic medical condition for greater than 6 months. If you have a current CDM Plan, your General Practitioner can provide you with a referral for up to 5 Medicare rebate physiotherapy sessions per calendar year.

Prior to attending your initial consultation at Steer Physiotherapy, you will need to meet with your GP who will discuss with you how physiotherapy can assist in managing your condition. They will also provide you with the required referral to access our physiotherapy services and will assist you with any further scans or referrals needed before commencing your treatment. As part of your consultation we will discuss with you your rehabilitation goals, complete an assessment and then begin your treatment. We will also liaise with your GP to update them on the development and implementation of your management plan.