Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a referral?

A referral is not required to book an appointment. However, a referral from your GP may be required for the following services:

  • Worker’s compensation claims
  • DVA
  • Medicare approved CDM
  • CTP claims

Please contact us for more specific information.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • Medical referral if required
  • Medicare card, Health insurance card, DVA card
  • Any relevant imaging results or scans
  • Any information about your medical history such as medications, medical conditions, previous surgeries, or injuries.

What should I wear?

Please wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing.

What should I expect at the first appointment?

When we first see you, we will conduct a thorough assessment that details information about your presenting condition, your medical history and a review of any relevant imaging or addressing factors that may be contributing to your pain or injury.

We will provide you with an individually tailored rehabilitation plan that will identify relevant treatment goals, outline the management of your care and provide a guide on your rehabilitation time frame.

We will begin treatment to help settle your pain and symptoms.

Is there a Cancellation Policy?

Yes. Please advise us of any appointment cancellations up to 24 hours prior to your scheduled appointment. Failure to do so, or failure to attend your scheduled appointment, will be deemed a ‘late cancellation’ or ‘non-attendance’ and thus may incur a fee of the full consultation cost.

This ‘Late Cancellation / Non-Attendance Fee’ will need to be paid prior to your next appointment.