Physiotherapy Services

Private Clients

Physiotherapy services in Newcastle NSW

You can visit Steer Physiotherapy without a referral from a doctor for physiotherapy services. Private health insurers pay a benefit for services provided by physiotherapists.

Physiotherapists play a key role in the first-line management of a variety of musculoskeletal, neurological and cardiopulmonary conditions. They are trained in assessing, diagnosing and treating these conditions, making use of both manual and exercise based therapies. The care they provide seeks to support the physical health of their clients by reducing their pain and discomfort, increasing their movement, and enhancing their strength and endurance.

Steer Physiotherapy welcomes private clients, who do not need to obtain a referral from a General Practitioner in order to be seen. Depending on the nature of your injury or condition, Steer will liaise with your medical team to arrange any further scans or specialist referrals if needed and to provide updates on your rehabilitation goals and progress. Please note that if you are a private health insured client, you may need to pay the ‘gap’ for services provided by our physiotherapists, depending on the level of your cover.